CS 320 - Project
Project Part 2, Creating Relational Schema
100 points
Translate your E/R design from part 1 to a set of relations, using the method described in
class and the textbook. Underline key attributes and give types.
- Find all of the FD's and MVD's of your relational schema. Examine potential weaknesses and areas for enhancement in your design. For instance, can you merge relations without introducing redundancy? Is there any redundancy or discrepancy? Are there instances where the relation schemas are non-BCNF? If yes, would you consider breaking them down? For every chance to merge or split relations, make a determination on whether to proceed and provide a short justification for your choice (for instance, describe the expected common queries for your database and how your chosen design supports them). Are there aspects of the schema you're not satisfied with, like attribute names, the structure of the relation, repetitive data, and so on? If there are, adjust the relational schema to better suit your preferences. Remember to project the FD's and MVD's to the new schema.
- Examine your schema against the normal forms: BCNF, 3NF, and 4NF. Specify which normal form your design satisfies.
- Answer the following questions:
- Who will own and maintain the database?
- Who will be the intended user?
- What is your plan for implementing the user interface?
- What kind of operations will be allowed in the user interface? For example, can user change the structure and/or the data of your database from the user interface?
- How do you plan to populate your database? How do you again access to the real data?
You will be working with this schema
a bit, so it's worth spending some time to make sure you're happy with
it. .