Build a "user-friendly," interactive web application program that allow uses to interact with your DB through a web browser. If you "borrow" code from online or other resources or use them as the basis for your program, be sure to acknowledge them, as should always be the case.
Your program should allow user to accesses the database to perform the appropriate queries and updates. The exact set of such operation depends the client's requirements that you have documented in the earlier steps of your project. In your final report, you must explain how your program satisfies each requirement of your client. If certain requirement is not met, provide an explanation.
Your program will use the servlet technology on the CS Tomcat server. We will discuss the web application architecture in class.
Please submit your code, the URL, and some sample data values that will give nontrivial responses to your queries (because otherwise we may not be able to guess that "xyz" is the name of a course name generated by your random-data generator).
The grading of this part is based on the functionality of your database and the usability of your user interface. We are not expecting anything fancy in the way of interface.
Each student will have 25 minutes to present his/her design and user interface and answer a few questions. Plan your time so that your presentation is limited to 18 minutes. In your presentation, you should explain the purpose of your database and its intended use, display the E/R model and discuss your design, and demonstrate the user interface.
After the presentation, you should submit a documentation clearly explaining to the user how to navigate and use your interface. Your report should also include the above mentioned explanation of how each of the client's requirements are met (or not met for some specific reason).