CS 320 - Database Management Systems, Fall 2012
Lecture: MWF 1:10 - 2:00pm, in Acopian
Center(AEC) 500
Instructor: Ge (Frank) Xia
Office: 506 Acopian Engineering Center
Phone: 610-330-5415
Office hours: MW 2:00 - 2:45 pm
[Announcements] [Labs] [Description] [Textbook] [Grading] [Schedule]
This course examines the organization, design and implementation of
data base management systems.
Course Goals: At the end of the semester you should:
- be able to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline; in particular,
- be able to apply the fundamental database design principles in the design and analysis of database management systems,
- be able to use Structured Query Language (SQL) for the implementation and manipulation of database management systems.
- be able to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based database system to meet desired needs.
- be able to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
- "Database Systems: the Complete Book, 2nd ed." by
Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman and Jennifer, D. Widom.
We will use an online learning system developed by an author of the textbook Gradiance.com. The Gradiance system allows students to make
multiple attempts in solving problems. If an answer was wrong, the system
would explain why the answer was wrong and provide hints on how to solve the problem. The student guide for
using the Gradiance service can be found here.
The course grade is distributed as follows:
- Project assignments -- 30%
- Homework assignments -- 10%
- Midterm exams (2)-- 40%
- Final exam -- 20%
Homework and lab assignments are to be turned in before the specified
Assignments turned in later will not receive credit.
Letter grades for the semester will be assigned based on the percentage
of points earned:
- A: 93% or more
- A-: 90 - 93%
- B+: 87 - 89%
- B: 83 - 86%
- B-: 80 - 82%
- C+: 77 - 79%
- C: 73 - 76%
- C-: 70 - 72%
- D+: 67 - 69%
- D: 63 - 66%
- D-: 60 - 62%
- F: less than 60%
Academic Honesty
Discussion of concepts with others is encouraged, but all assignments
must be done on your own, unless otherwise instructed. If you use any
source other than the text, reference it/him/her, whether it is a
person, a book, a solution set, a web page or whatever. You MUST write
up the solutions in your own words. Copying is strictly forbidden.
The Student Handbook of Lafayette College has a section on
Principles of Intellectual Honesty that defines academic dishonesty to
- Use of other persons' writings without proper
- Use of reference material without properly crediting
sources used,
- Use of other students' work, with or without revision,
- Collaboration beyond the limits established by the
- Submission of the same work in more than one course
A student who commits academic dishonesty is subject to Disciplinary
actions including suspension or expulsion.
Students are expected to attend classes unless there is a reasonable excuse. A reasonable excuse is a previously approved Dean's excuse or the instructor's permission.
Changes will be made according to the progress of the course.
Fall 2010 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Week 1 |
Syllabus, Fundamentals, etc |
Ch 4
Entity-Relationship Model |
Ch 4
More E/R Model |
Week 2 |
Ch 2
Relational Model |
Ch 2
More Relational Model |
Ch 3
Functional Dependencies |
Week 3 |
Ch 3
More Functional Dependencies |
Ch 3
Relational Design |
Ch 3
More Relational Design
Week 4 |
Ch 3
Normalization |
Ch 5
Normalization |
Ch 5
Relational Algebra |
Week 5 |
More Relational Algebra |
Introduction to SQL, Part I |
Ch 6
Introduction to SQL, Part II |
Week 6 |
Ch 6
Introduction to SQL, Part III |
Ch 6
Introduction to SQL, Part IV |
Midterm I |
Week 7 |
Fall Break |
Fall Break |
Ch 6
Introduction to SQL, Part V
Ch 6
Introduction to SQL, Part VI
Week 8 |
Ch 7
Constraints and Triggers |
Indexing, B-trees |
More Indexing
Midterm grades due |
Week 9 |
Other Indexing |
Introduction to XML
Group discussion
Week 10 |
More XML
More XML
Midterm II |
Week 11 |
Web Apps Architecture
Concurrency, Recovery
Week 12 |
Recovery |
Recovery |
Recovery |
Week 13 |
Authorization |
Thanksgiving Break |
Thanksgiving Break |
Thanksgiving Break
Week 14 |
Advanced Topics |
Advanced Topics |
Advanced Topics |
Week 15 |
Project Presentation |
Project Presentation |
Final Review |
Reading Day
Final Exam period begins |